Linguajoy Season’s Greetings!
Hello, how are you? This year has required a tremendous amount of flexibility, courage, and resilience from all of us. Many have sought new content for everyday life by unleashing creativity through various home-related projects, or by reviving a dormant relationship with nature. Some, in turn, draw strength by turning their gaze far to the horizon, dreaming of the distant and the experiences that foreign languages and cultures offer.
Linguajoy fall term courses have been a lovely pathway to the international atmosphere we have enjoyed in small groups, led by our wonderful native teachers. The joy of new learning has been tangible as children and adults have embraced foreign languages; from Chinese to Spanish, from French to English, from Swedish to Russian, from German to Finnish and Italian Team-Linguajoy will start holidays on December 23, and we wish everyone a lovely Christmas time, good health, and above all, lots of sisu! This too shall pass!
Give the Gift of Language!
There is still a moment for Christmas and many are wondering what to give a child as a gift? The shelves are full of toys and the hit fads are dusting in the closets. It seems that classics that have survived for decades, such as evergreen board games, are the most durable choice. But what to do when the African star, Kimble and Monopoly are already in use and you can find something unique, enduring, and joyful for a child? The solution is a language course – an experiential, educational, and fun learning experience, the results of which the child enjoys throughout life! Language clubs and courses are all the more popular hobbies today. Only in childhood do you learn a foreign language playfully, which is why a language course is a smart choice! Children adopt a new language, a natural accent, become acquainted with the target culture, and become aware of the different languages of the world. It’s easy, fun, and original – a wonderful gift that will wing a child’s future in the global world. A language course is about interaction, presence, and the joy of new learning. Just the warmth and joy that Christmas is all about. Team Linguajoy’s elves will be happy to help and prepare a wonderful gift certificate! Email: and tel. 041-319 6675. Give the gift of a second language!

Join Spring 2021!
Spring term language courses for adults and children start on Monday, January 11, 2021. There are still a few places left, and there are also a few brand new courses on the schedule. A warm welcome to join an inspirational language path!
¡Hola! A Recipe from the Caribbean!
In many countries, eggnog is a must during the festive season, and in Puerto Rico, it’s Coquito. Coquito meaning ”Little Coconut” in Spanish is a traditional Christmas drink made with coconut cream and rum. With this recipe, you can learn how to make this tropical Christmas drink to bring a taste of the Caribbean to your celebrations this year! CLICK HERE

Ski Holiday Camp Spring 2021
Linguajoy’s 3-day English Ski Holiday Camp registration is open! Develop your English skills under the guidance of lovely native teachers in small groups, through fun multisensory activities. The Camp is suited for children aged 6-13 yo and will be held in February 22-24, 2021 in Helsinki. FURTHER INFO AND ENROLLMENT: SKI HOLIDAY CAMP 2021
Linguajoy Online invite
We are grateful to have so many children and adults learn foreign languages with us and we work hard to fulfill all the expectations. In order to further enrich the language learning experience, we have been very actively developing our online contents and learning tools. We invite you to take a sneak peek at Linguajoy Online here!

Interesting linguistic research
Oral interaction still seems to receive too little practice in primary school English teaching, according to a new publication from the National Center for Educational Assessment (Karvi). The view is reinforced by Elina Tergujeff’s Doctoral Research in Applied Linguistics (2013), which showed that primary school English oral language practice training focuses on repeating ready-made speech situations in a textbook, and spontaneous response to English speech is not sufficiently practiced.The ability to act naturally in a variety of interaction situations requires active practice and in an ideal situation, with native speakers. The elementary school student’s phonics map is still flexible, so language acquisition is natural. Alongside basic education, it might be worth considering the Linguajoy Advanced English language course as an addition, to further the development of oral language skills with a native teacher.

We wish you light and warmth this winter season,
Yours, Team-Linguajoy